Join the Mount Holyoke Club of New York City
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Receive Club newsletter
Invited to all Club events
Regular-priced admission to charged events (no discount)
Access to MHC-NYC Slack space
Opportunity to run for a Board position in the spring
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Discounted rate for charged events
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Discounted rate for charged events
All Alums +
Discounted rate for charged events
Any amount over $44 will be donated to the Alum Scholar Fund
Opportunities to host or sponsor events in collaboration with the Club
Shout outs at events or in the Newsletter
All Alums +
Any amount over $44 will be donated to the Alum Scholar Fund
Exclusive networking with guest speakers
Invitation to speak at Club events or serve as a guest lecturer.
Opportunities to host or sponsor events in collaboration with the Club
Shout outs at events or in the newsletter
Lifetime membership in the Club
Discounted rate for charged events
Make a donation
Your support contributes to our Alum Scholar Program. Club dues, donations, and event revenues fund as many as two Alum Scholars from New York City annually.
Graduated 50 years ago?
Alums from 50 years ago or earlier may join the Club at no cost.